Take a listen:
To tackle the task self-assigned in the last post, I have chosen a piece by John Adams for two pianos – Hallelujah Junction Movement 1. For me, it belongs to the category of pieces that make me feel like I am in a very sheltered comfort zone. The minimalistic approach of the composition evokes trance-like states and is equally driven by the element of tension and release.
In my drawing, a repeatedly appearing colored line on a dark background serves as a projection surface for the repeated initial sequence. It changes from time to time, reappearing slightly offset next to the previous line.
According to my subjective feeling, the wavy basic structure of the main motif draws a long arc of tension until minute 4:15. At this point the piece frees itself from the unstoppable stream of the minimalistic pattern and opens up into a new, catchy sound world, which collapses after 20 seconds and transitions into a very percussive final part. I made the releasing part clear by using the simple and naturalistic shape of a peach to contrast the preceding babble of voices.

In my 3 minute association phase, the following thoughts emerged:
- Equal step
- Minimal
- Small steps
- Dancing
- Synchronous movement
- Synchronicity
- Confusion versus simplicity – chaos versus clarity
- Waves
- Parabolas
- Ups and downs
- Reflection
- Change despite staying the same – staying the same during change
- Everything leads somewhere
- Setting references
- Vertical versus horizontal
- Sine curve
- Heartbeat
- Repetition
- Mere exposure effect
- Stimuli
- Senses
- Taste
- Smell
- Fruit
- Still life
- Sterility
- Recurrence
- Renaissance
Topic Idea:
I had a conversation the other day.
We talked about the future.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years, he asked.
And my answer was: Here.
That probably came across as pretty uninspired.
I asked myself the other day
„Who do I want to be in 5 years?“
And my answer was:
Whoever time has made me by then.
Does that seem kind of aimless now?
I can’t tell.
So far, only a lyrical idea has emerged from this picture but no song idea yet.